What would “Future You” tell you to do?

I remember pulling out old photographs from my early 20s when I was “In my prime”.  I found one specifically that sticks out and can vividly remember the day. I was living in Spain but we made a side trip to Paris in between class days.  I remember standing there for the picture trying to “suck in” and make sure I was standing in a flattering pose. Even then, pre-kids, I was so critical of my body. I just wanted to “fix” it.  The fact is, I was beautiful. I was healthy and I had the ability to accept my body just as it was. Truth be told, I would have enjoyed my experience so much more. Have you ever had memories like that? Where you look back and think, “Man I can't believe I was so critical of myself!! I looked great!!”

So many women come into the studio telling me that they wish they had done a boudoir session when they were young. They say “when I had the body for it”. I can promise you, 9 times out of 10 you were just like me and that younger version of yourself was still trying to live up to what you “should look like”.


So let's stop for a minute and think about this…

What would the YOU, 15 years from now, tell yourself about doing a session like this at the age you are now? Would she say, “Why didn't you do it!! Man, I can't believe I thought I was too (fat, thin, old, etc). 15 years older you would say, “I wish I would have just let go and accepted my body. I was beautiful. I was vibrant. I could have enjoyed the experience so much more if I would have just embraced my body and where I was in my life!"

 Me recognizing this about my 20 year old self gave me the kick in the bum to start accepting my body for what it is now and treating it with the respect that it has earned. I am not my 20 year old self and not my 20 year old body and that is ok. In fact, I am so grateful to have grown exponentially more wise than I was at 20. 

So when you say, “I can't do that boudoir session, I need to lose more weight, get the surgery, tone up, change my (insert changeable body part)”, I want you to think about YOU, 15 years from now…What would she tell you to do?


Someday isn’t Real


I stand before you an Imperfect Woman.